Web Development Handbook

Web Development Handbook

Development is fun in a funny way

22 posts in total
Mastering Laravel Error Handling and Logging for Production
Published on | 6 mins, 571 words

Mastering Laravel Error Handling and Logging for Production

In any web application's lifecycle, errors are inevitable. Whether it's a minor glitch or a critical issue, how you handle errors and log them can significantly impact your application's stability...

67 views 0 votes 0 votes 0 comments

How to Change SVG Color with Tailwind CSS
Published on | 5 mins, 416 words

How to Change SVG Color with Tailwind CSS

Nowadays, Tailwind CSS has brought a revolutionary change in web design. For me, before Tailwind CSS, Web design was so boring and so depressing. But now I feel so comfortable...

1009 views 1 vote 0 votes 0 comments

PHP Array Functions: Iterator Functions in PHP
Published on | 8 mins, 765 words

PHP Array Functions: Iterator Functions in PHP

In PHP, An array is an ordered map. A map is a data structure that stores a collection of key-value pairs where each key associated with a value. In PHP,...

277 views 0 votes 0 votes 0 comments

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