Web Development Handbook

Web Development Handbook

Development is fun in a funny way

17 posts in total
PHP 8.2: Readonly Classes
Published on | 6 mins, 591 words

PHP 8.2: Readonly Classes

Recently, PHP 8.2, a significant update to PHP, was released. It has a ton of unique features, and the read-only classes are the finest. Now, a class can be defined...

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What is PHP Abstract Classes? Advance OOP
Published on | 9 mins, 866 words

What is PHP Abstract Classes? Advance OOP

PHP is a popular programming language used for web development. One of the advanced features of PHP is the concept of abstract classes. Abstract classes are classes that cannot be...

529 views 0 votes 0 votes 0 comments

PHP Object Manipulation with Magic Methods
Published on | 10 mins, 924 words

PHP Object Manipulation with Magic Methods

In PHP, magic methods are special methods that allow you to define how an object behaves in certain situations. These methods are automatically called by PHP under specific circumstances, such...

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What is the difference between Trait and Class
Published on | 7 mins, 674 words

What is the difference between Trait and Class

In PHP, both traits and classes are used for code reuse and organization, but they serve different purposes.A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines properties (variables) and...

329 views 0 votes 0 votes 0 comments

PHP OOP - Inheritance Basics
Published on | 4 mins, 347 words

PHP OOP - Inheritance Basics

We all know PHP is an object-oriented programming language and inheritance is a fundamental concept of PHP that allows you to create new classes based on existing classes. Inheritance enables...

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Traits: A way of code reuse in PHP
Published on | 2 mins, 195 words

Traits: A way of code reuse in PHP

We all know PHP is a single inheritance language means we can inherit only one class. But sometimes we need to inherit multiple classes. PHP introduced Traits to overcome this...

192 views 0 votes 0 votes 0 comments

Laravel 10.9 release update
Published on | 4 mins, 398 words

Laravel 10.9 release update

The Laravel team has recently unveiled version 10.9, which includes multiple new features and improvements. These updates comprise named static methods for middleware, new HTTP status assertions for feature testing,...

356 views 2 votes 0 votes 0 comments

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